The Sonic Rupture is one of the last Generation 4 starships manufactured by Kodekai Enterprises, and the vessel is a 6km long, 220 tonne behemoth. The base vessel is the same make as the Malvellum, but highly altered and with more advanced technology.
Built in 3753, the Sonic Rupture is outfitted with Generation 7 weapon systems, which include the Type XV Turret. Half a million of these turrets lie concealed in the vessels hull, which is made of 2.4m thick titanium alloy, layered on 1.2m thick carbondium. The plating of the Sonic Rupture is thicker than most other warships in the armada, although the armour alone weighs a staggering 70 tonnes. Also concealed within the hull are 8 LABs, with everything being optimised to have as little mass as possible.
While the Sonic Rupture has massive plating, the Swarmer Shield System is leaps and bounds ahead of previous shielding. Instead of oscillating waveforms, the Swarmer is thousands of overlapping shields that absorb 12,000 joules of energy each, regenerating every five seconds to form a highly resistant barrier that ensures the Sonic Rupture can withstand an insane amount of firepower. These shields consume little power, but because of the size of the vessel, two Fission-Fusion reactors are required to power them all. These reactors are in the massive reactor room of the Sonic Rupture, which occupies the full width of the kilometre wide hull and the full 1.75km height.
The main reason the reactor room is so large is to house not only the dual warp cores, but the Leviathan Engines. The Leviathan is more powerful than any other engine of a similar size, only beaten by the power the 4x larger Gorgon can output. Powered by the TRACER core, the Leviathan is capable of outputting 900,000 tonnes of power out of the 175m long, 2m wide thruster block. This thruster block is the funnel for two Leviathan engines, meaning the Sonic Rupture has 16 Leviathans inside the Reactor room. The thrust provided by the engines is not cheap, and for every two Leviathan engines, there is a Super Fission-Fusion reactor, making the Sonic Rupture the most expensive vessel ever produced at a cost of $173 Octillion.
Powered by the mighty Leviathan engines, the Sonic Rupture is capable of entering Warp space twice as fast as the Malevellum, and the vessel is normally the first attacker in a fight. To allow maximum effectiveness and streamlining, the bridge of the vessel is at the foremost point of the hull, covered by two way reflective plating. With a bridge crew of 50, the Sonic Rupture has specialist pilots that have control over specific systems. The weapon systems operators are shielded by special pods that mask outside interference while allowing full functionality. The crew of the Sonic Rupture is said to be second-to-none in terms of reaction timing as a result, although this might have something to do with the fact the vessel is commanded by a soldier of no rank less than Colonel.
Like the Malevellum, the Sonic Rupture has 8 large hangars, capable of hosting well over 100,000 fighters each, although the main hangar, which is twice as large, is located on the top of the hull. Although this exposes a major weakpoint of the battlecruiser, the sheer amount of fighting that needs to occur to reach this point makes attacking the hangar virtually impossible. Since the Sonic Rupture is unable to enter an atmosphere, there is a command hangar on the belly of the vessel, hidden from sight, which is where most cargo vessels dock. The other 6 hangars line the port and starboard decks of the Sonic Rupture.
The interior of the Sonic Rupture is composed of a twelve story luxury crew deck. Four million soldiers can reside on the vessel, which features state of the art training facilities, and a massive training facility. Two hallways run the length of the vessel, and are able to have twelve Expoletian soldiers stand fingertip to fingertip across. The sheer size of the vessel, although shorter than the Malevellum, make the Sonic Rupture a target few would consider attacking. Rightly so, as the Sonic Rupture possessed more firepower than any other vessel in the Expoletian Armada before it's destruction in 2754.
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