A state-of-the-art warship, the 9.9km long, 400 tonne Aius Avenger is not classed as a Dreadnought due to falling 100m short of that classification. Known as a Hades Destroyer Battlecruiser, the Aius Avenger is the newest vessel in the Expoletian Armada, and is planned to become the new capital ship once the Malevellum is retired from active service.
The Aius Avenger is made from a unique design; no other vessel shares the same layout as the Avenger. The bridge of the Aius Avenger is located 3/4 of the way along the vessel, and provides a full view of the entire hull to the 50 crewmen that operate the behemoth. The crew is protected by a single pane of 4m thick diamond glass, with anti-projectile turrets destroying anything larger than a standard laser blast. Immediately in front of the bridge is the intake port for the vessel's matter collector, which fuels the vessel while in flight. The intake port leads directly to the engine room, occupying 10% of the vessel.
The Engine room is home to a pair of twin Hydra Engine blocks. The core of these 4km long, 70 tonne behemoths is the extremely efficient Combat and Real Time Espionage eXtreme (CoRTEX) rods. Although the three rods in each engine are 400m long, minimal power is required to run at peak efficiency. As such, all of the four engine cores are run by a single Super Fusion Reactor. The power provided by the twin Hydra is concentrated by the 200m long, 3m wide Apollo thruster port, enabling the Aius Avenger to output a total thrust of 10 billion tonnes. To do so, each Apollo is equipped with an infuser, which brings the volatile, superheated fuel from the two Hydra engines, and forces it through the exit port at speeds fast enough to ignite the gaseous fuel on contact with the cold of space. The saturated area behind the one way valve ensures that the fire cannot enter the engine block. Given that the engine was run for 11 years straight and not one instance of back flow occurred, the soldiers on board the Aius Avenger know that the vessel is safe.
Concerning safety, at 90 tonnes, the ultra strong, ultralight Chimera armour is stress tested to be able to absorb the impact of a 2 tonne projectile. The Chimera plating is classified down to the exact materials it is made from, as the Aius Avenger doesn't have a carbondium layer underneath this plating. What makes the Chimera plating even more intriguing is the fact that the hull isn't one solid plate, but millions of smaller plates seamlessly connected with no visible weak points. What helps defend the Chimera plating is the Hades barrier. The Hades barrier is resistant to forces generating over 900,000 Hydrogen Fusion bombs worth of power, even though the barrier itself is less than a centimetre thick. Powered by a single fusion reactor, the Hades barrier is the single toughest shield system in the Universe for a small power draw, and is the pride of the Expoletian Armada.
Since other systems on the vessel require low power draw, the weapon systems are a boast to the fact that the Aius Avenger is better than anything else. Featured on the vessel are the CAMAC MkII guns. The 8 cannons provide a high powered STS combat weapon, but due to the low fire rate, they need to be supplemented by the largest amount of turrets ever assembled on one vessel. With 500,000 Type XV turrets, 300,000 Type XIV turrets and a further 250,000 Type XIII turrets, the Aius Avenger has the highest number of rapid fire weapons of any vessel known, while being one of the fastest and toughest vessels to see action. Along with the million plus turrets, the Aius Avenger also has nearly 400,000 torpedo tubes, ensuring that the vessel can take on most enemy craft with minor damage.
In addition to the impressive firepower of the vessel, the Aius Avenger is equipped with 8 double wide hangars, with each capable of holding 225,000 fighters. This gives the Aius Avenger the role of mobile command centre or carrier, since the sensors on the vessel are more sensitive than anything else in production.
While the Aius Avenger may seem unwieldy, the Hydra engines give the vessel the maneuverability of a vessel 20 times smaller, while providing enough firepower to level any capital vessel in a heartbeat. Combine this power and agility with ultra tough armour and the Aius Avenger is truly a vessel to be feared.
Just stay on it's good side, and you'll be fine.
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