Chronicles of Expoletia is a 6 part saga that follows the tale of the New Expoletian Empire and the struggle to save the Universe
The Tharassian Civil War is the basis of the Universe. This part introduces the major characters of the first trilogy, and their relationships to each other. The plot starts off with the Tharassian Empire engaged in conflict with itself, and builds to the eventual formation of the New Expoletian Empire. Primarily, the plot follows Ak'ab'r, Admiral of the New Expoletian Empire, and Aius, Commander of the Tharassian Empire and their stories. It is revealed that Aius was chosen to be the successor to Ak'ab'r, and that Ak'ab'r does not like the current leader of the Empire, but he tolerates him. The Story builds up to a Tharassian insertion team infiltrating the Expoletian Capital vessel, Sonic Rupture which leads to a climactic battle, ending in the destruction of the vessel and heralding the beginning of the New Expoletian Empire.
The Return of an Old Friend continues the story 5 years later. The Battle over Earth ended up being an ill advised campaign move, and New Expoletia lost ground during the attack. The nobility of New Expoletia is gathered to bury Ak'ab'r, but the man they thought dead makes a surprise appearance and alerts the Governor and Aius that the Earth Empire is preparing to attack New Expoletia. Ak'ab'r learns that one of the New Expoletian diplomats was killed while on a mission to Earth, so he heads to the Ancestral Hall to consult the Great Ancestors about what is to come. While in the hall, Ak'ab'r is attacked by Rigel Maklius' brother, Frederick Rainer. Ak'ab'r barely escapes, and heads back to New Expoletia to prepare for battle. As the Earth Empire fleet is attacking the New Expoletian fleet, Ak'ab'r tells Aius of Al'urk's traitorous plans. Aius and Ak'ab'r head back to New Expoletia where Ak'ab'r confronts both Rainer and Al'urk. Ak'ab'r bests Rainer in combat, and after a short conversation with Al'urk, shoots him in the head. He then proceeds to kill Rainer.
How the Mighty Fall is the climax of the first trilogy. The war between the New Expoletian Empire and the Earth Empire has peaked. The Earth Empire is assaulting an outpost run by K'lurk M'aig, and they force New Expoletia to retreat. However, this is what Ak'ab'r anticipated; the outpost contained a communicator that Ak'ab'r used to contact Earth Emperor Novastorm and arrange a truce meeting. During the meeting, K'lurk fights Captain of the Earth Empire Yusarius. K'lurk prevails and spares Yusarius' life, and the two super powers mass at New Expoletia. While waiting for the Brood Lord fleet, Gaia contacts the leaders and reveals that he isn't the higher power they need to worry about. During the battle, Ak'ab'r breaks off from the main fleet to meet Gaia face to face. Novastorm follows Ak'ab'r into the void as do Aius and Flu'try. Ak'ab'r and Novastorm regroup on Gaia's battleship and make their way to the control room. The computer relays the last log it recorded, and Ak'ab'r realises that this vessel is the Sonic Rupture. The troops head towards the reactor room, where Ak'ab'r leads them into the airvent in order to surprise Gaia. However, his plan is ruined when Aius charges into the reactor room to confront Gaia. Ak'ab'r, Novastorm and their troops drop from the vent and join Aius, although Novastorm quickly reveals he is one of the Brood Lords. A small battle ensues, and the Brood Lords are forced into retreat, although Gaia does kill Aius before he leaves. Flu'try is promoted to Admiral and the newly formed Resistance gets ready for an assault on the Brood homeworld.
Hivemind begins the second trilogy. The Resistance armada is receiving their final orders when L'lurk M'aig, chief lieutenant of the Brood Lords appears and requests that Ak'ab'r come with him and talk to the Hivemind. The Commanders of the Resistance advise Ak'ab'r against doing this, but Ak'ab'r insists he must. Once Ak'ab'r has been taken to the Hivemind, the Resistance forces come under attack by the Brood fleet. Ak'ab'r talks with the Hivemind, who grows increasingly frustrated with Ak'ab'r. The Hivemind boils over when Ak'ab'r reveals that the Hivemind was once Nacahazar, a Cyclops. The Hivemind orders his lieutenants to kill Ak'ab'r, but L'lurk stops them from doing so, giving Ak'ab'r enough time to fatally wound Nachazar. Dying, Nachazar has one last thing to say, and Shaltar, patron saint of the Cyclopean race, decides Nachazar should do so as a cyclops. Nachazar says his thank you to Ak'ab'r, and passes from the realm of the living. The fight over New Expoletia was going bad until the death wail of the Hivemind forced the Brood fleet to retreat. Regrouping, the Resistance follow them to prepare for the final days of the fight.
Showdown continues where Hivemind left off. The Resistance fleet has begun to siege the Brood planet, and the commanders are attempting to set up a command centre on the ground. They successfully do so, as Ak'ab'r, L'lurk and Shaltar are planning to make their way to where the Resistance forces landed, although the Brood army stands in the way. Almost simultaneously, both sides come under attack by one of the Brood Lieutenants, although both Resistance forces manage to kill the attacking lieutenant. At this point, something awakens inside Yusarius and he jettisons to the planet, heading into Brood territory, and is revealed as a Brood Lord. After hours of fighting, both sides of the Resistance meet up and head back to the command centre, although Gaia tries to stop them, and is dealt with by Shaltar. Shaltar sacrifices his mortal body to destroy Gaia, and the Resistance fall back to organise their last push against the Brood lairs. Flu'try heads to the medical centre in order to request some bandaging for a wound received. It is here where Flu'try is revealed to be a woman, although Ak'ab'r pardons her from punishment and tells her that she has a war to win. Flu'try rallies the Resistance behind her and the army leaps over the command centre's walls and attacks the Brood force in full. Rigel then tries to kill L'lurk, succeeding, but also dying in the process. Novastorm attempts to kill Hagai, but is killed almost immediately, leaving only Odin, Yusarius and Brood Master K'flinga to fight the Resistance.
Darkness Incarnate is the penultimate finale of the Chronicles of Expoletia. The Resistance forces are pushing the Brood army back. Flu'try leads her troops into Yusarius' lair, where he attempts to play mind games with her. She outsmarts him through use of a poison tipped boot, piercing his brain with her knife. The wound she received earlier hurts her, but she and her forces press onwards. Outside the Brood Hive, Odin is killed by K'flinga, who says that he does not need anyone. With all the Brood lords dead, K'flinga confronts the Resistance inside his Hive, and overpowers most of the commanders, wounding them. Ak'ab'r confronts K'flinga, and sees that the Hive is built around a high powered fusion bomb. Secretly he tells the Resistance to evacuate, and once they get to safety, K'flinga, having been distracted by the departure of his prey turns around to see Ak'ab'r holding the detonator for the bomb. Ak'ab'r presses the button and the Brood planet is destroyed, along with most of the Brood army, uttering two words that reflect K'flinga himself. The Resistance fleet move to New Expoletia, where the commanders are treated for their wounds. Flu'try leads the funeral service for all those that sacrificed their lives to ensure victory, speaking highly of L'lurk and Ak'ab'r. Once this is done, she resigns as Admiral of the New Expoletian Empire and becomes a senator, overseeing change around the capital. Ardakas, narrator of the series, records everything that occured since the Tharassian civil war in the archives, before placing a personal archive tape down labelled "Retribution".
With this screenplay I hope to bring a different view and a different style into the Science Fiction genre. For now, the series in stuck in a limbo phase of drafting.
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