For the Expoletian Fleet to possess the firepower it does, the Armada has a small, but powerful selection of Ship to Ship combat weapons. Each has strengths and weaknesses which affect how effective they are against certain types of craft.
Starting in the basic weaponry, the Kodekai Enterprises Turret line is the backbone of any vessel in the Expoletian Armada. The most recent in this line is the Type XIV, which is offered as a stationary version, primarily used on fighters, and a mounted version, which is found on most cruisers. Offering a quick firing, hard hitting weapon, the Type XIV, although small by STS standards, is powerful in mass numbers. An Expoletian fighter has two of these turrets mounted to their fighter, while the largest Expoletian vessels can have upwards of half a million. Noted for their low power usage, the Type XIV can be controlled by an intelligent AI, or manually by a specially trained soldier, increasing their effectiveness in the heat of battle. The dual barrel design has increased the firepower of the weapon, without increasing it's size or power consumption, which is almost exclusively used by the superaccelerator. This superaccelerator launches a very small piece of matter, called a Shredder Bolt, at 1/6th the speed of light towards it's target. Because of the small projectile mass, the damage caused to the hull of an enemy vessel larger than a fighter is negligible, but the speed of the projectile can rip through most shields and connection points on the hull of an enemy vessel.
The Kodekai Enterprises Torpedo Tube weapons are an extension of the Turrets. Using a larger caliber barrel, they can fire larger projectiles, usually laced with contact explosives, at speeds slightly slower than the Type XIII turrets. On fighters, this weapon is usually mounted between the barrels of the turret, which further reduces power usage for the weapon. On larger vessels, the torpedo tubes are always found attached to turrets, but draw power from a separate line. While turrets are known for their fast firing Shredder projectiles, the Torpedo tube fires at a much slower rate, compensating for its high heat ejection by launching slow moving cylinders of matter no larger than a fist, which deal damage 10 orders of magnitude greater than a turret could do in it's lifetime. This projectile, while only moving half the speed of a Shredder bolt, is superheated in the superaccelerator, which enables the projectile to melt most enemy hulls, causing collateral damage as well as point damage.
The Kodekai Enterprises Light Assault Battery (LTAB) is a much larger, more powerful version of the Torpedo Tube. The LTAB is found mostly on cruisers, usually as a pair. Due to their much higher power usage, the LTABs normally have a reactor exclusively to power them, and occupy the space of two docking hangars. Having a barrel with a diameter of three metres, the LTAB comes equipped with it's own fusion core, which produces the ammo for the weapon, which is loaded automatically into the firing chamber. During the firing process, the LTAB has a minute long charge up period, where the superaccelerator reaches the desired firing speed, which is usually 1/3rd the speed of light, at which point the firing piston pushes the ammo, which is launched out of the barrel in less than 1/1000th of a second, causing the projectile to stretch due to being superheated and this liquifies on contact with a target, able to destroy any less than a cruiser in one hit.
The LTABs larger brother is the MAC, or Medium Assault Cannon, although this is being phased out for the more efficient and cheaper Battery Cannon. Found on Expoletian Battlecruisers, the MAC is functionally identical to the LTAB, but fires a projectile twice as heavy, at 90% of the speed. The MACs superaccelerator is twice as large at the LTAB version, but has been optimised to run at the same power level. The MAC is more accurate than the LTAB, due to a barrel 150% longer than the 75m long LTAB. The cannon is supported through high power dampeners around the firing chamber in the hull of the vessel, in order to prevent any cracking of the weapon due to recoil. The Battery Cannon is of a similar size, but is 70% more efficient, with a 50% cost decrease, due in part to the removal of the interior fusion reactor. The Battery Cannon is instead powered directly from the main reactors, causing a momentary surge in non-essential systems.
The Large Assault Battery, LAB for short, is the largest of the Battery Cannons, and is found on Expoletian Guard Ships, where two of them are equipped. The 400 metre long barrel, with a 5 metre diameter, makes the LAB the highest caliber non-beam weapon in the Universe. Requiring power from Fission-Fusion reactors, the LAB can fire it's payload at 70% lightspeed, although the LAB rarely sees action due to the hour long process to reload. The 4-tonne projectile is loaded by crane, after the firing chamber has been vented and cleaned of leftover debris. When the LAB is used, few vessels can take a direct hit, and in most cases, one hit results in crippling an enemy vessel to the point that it cannot fight or retreat.
All Battery Cannons are forward firing due to them requiring mounting and attachment directly to their vessel.
A newer version of the Battery is seeing more use in battle, as enemy vessels get tougher. The Anti-Matter Cannon, AMC for short, was initially a prototype weapon, which provides more firepower than the MAC, for a space less than the LTAB. This is due to the AMC having a firing chamber devoid of matter, where antimatter is created and eventually pooled into an acceptable projectile size. This is then launched at speeds exceeding that of the LAB, enabling the AMC to have an independent firing AI, at the cost of consuming 20% of the vessels entire power. As a result, special cruisers were built specifically for the AMC.
The AMC inspired Shadow Hawk Limited to undertake their most ambitious project ever, and eventually produced the Concussion Anti-Matter Assault Cannon, or CAMAC. This version of the Kodekai Enterprises manufactured AMC reduces power usage, increases firing rate and improves the Anti Matter Projectile. Although the Shadow Hawk superaccelerator can only fire at 50% lightspeed, the efficiency improvements to the weapon have inspired Kodekai to support production of the CAMAC, and have also partnered with Shadow Hawk in order to produce a CAMAC that can launch it's projectile at much greater speeds. The CAMAC MKII is in a testing phase, but the CAMAC is one of the most powerful weapons in the Universe, being able to disable an enemy vessel with only a glancing hit.
The classified Phalanx cannon is an enormous weapon, being the primary weapon for the Expoletian Dreadnought of the same name, and also being 40% of the mass of the vessel. This is one of the first beam weapons used by the Expoletian Armada, although it hasn't seen any battle. Requiring a ten minute charge up time, the Phalanx fires a beam of superheated metal at 98% light speed for up to five seconds. Most specifications of the Phalanx are reserved for the highest ranking officials, although in tests all who heard the weapon firing recall a distinct hum, decreasing in pitch, until a two second pause, when a loud whoosh is heard, accompanied by a blinding light. The inner machinations of the weapon are unknown, although it is theorised that the barrel is not as large as the diameter of the weapon - 4 metres, but merely a 50cm wide hole, and the blinding beam is produced as a result of the expansion of the superheated matter leaving the barrel. Considering the Dreadnought that houses the Phalanx is a 300 tonne vessel, the Phalanx is suspected to weigh nearly 140 tonnes, and runs the length of the Dreadnought. Due to the size of the weapon, the Dreadnought Phalanx has less firepower than a medium sized Expoletian Cruiser, which makes the Phalanx unsuited for prolonged combat situations.
The Type 2 "Civilian" Class Super Ray Destroyer Battery Cannon is the Grandfather of all Beam weapons in the universe. A Colossal construction, the Civilian was designed with the purpose to implode planets with one shot. The weapon was decommissioned after the Galactic Senate passed the Preservation of Life law, although the vessel built around the Civilian saw use for decades after. The weapon was destroyed when the Expoletian Dreadnought, Ultimate, was destroyed in the Battle over Earth. The 350 tonne weapon made up 60% of the mass and size of the Ultimate, and the Phalanx cannon is based on a similar principle, although with severely reduced damage output. Never fired, the Civilian was theorised to fire a beam of metal 3 metres in diameter, superheated to temperatures exceeding 100,000 centigrade at 99% the speed of light. This is likely to destroy the core of a planet, annihilating anything on the surface instantly. The Civilian cost as much as the current worth of the combined Expoletian and Earth Fleets.
The Expoletian Armada, although lacking in variety, possesses the strongest weapons in the Universe, equipped on a fleet of around 900,000 vessels, but this is hardly the largest fleet; the Earth Empire Fleet is nearly 2 million strong. All numbers exclude fighters and transport vessels.
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Monday, 23 June 2014
The Armada and its Armament
The Expoletian Armada is a fleet of approximately 850,000 interstellar warships, 50,000 Battleships, 47 Battlecruisers and 5 command class vessels. Far from being the largest Armada, the Expoletian fleet gets its strength from the technology it possesses.
The Fleet is armed universally with Kodekai Enterprises Type XIV Turrets, which provide lots of firepower for little power consumption, even in mass numbers. Most vessels can shrug off the energy bolts they fire, yet these turrets deal massive damage to shields, and transfer all their energy when they hit to the opposing vessel, heating the hull gradually over time.
Once the enemy hull is weakened, the Expoletian Armada uses Hunter Demotions, a sub-division of Kodekai Enterprises, branded Torpedo Tubes to pierce and destroy the enemy vessel with high energy plasma balls. These weapons, easily absorbed by heat shielding, are standard on every vessel, although in severely reduced quantities as opposed to the turrets. Much like the turrets, these weapons use low power for the damage they can cause.
The larger Expoletian vessels are outfitted with large battery cannons, which fire large amounts of superheated metal at a high velocity. Due to the size of these weapons, they are stored inside the hull of the vessel when in transit, as they draw large amounts of power from the reactors, which limits most vessels to two of the light battery cannons.
Battlecruisers, the largest of the Expoletian vessels, are equipped with more firepower than any other vessel in the fleet, being equipped with the heavy battery cannons, which fire solid cylinders of metal at speeds capable of going through the entire hull of a cruiser class vessel. These cannons draw as much power as every other system on the vessel combined, which forces the vessel to redirect most engine power in order to fire these cannons.
Command Class vessels such as the Malevellum and Sonic Rupture, are the largest, most powerful war class ships in the entire universe, completely incapable of entering a planet's atmosphere due to the resources required to house them. They are equipped with specialist weapons along with the full firepower of a Battlecruiser. These vessels are also noticeably quicker in the middle of battle, having several more reactors than Battlecruisers, allowing most systems to run at full capacity when in full combat mode.
The most powerful Expoletian vessel is rarely used in battle, as the upkeep is highly expensive and inefficient for combat purposes. The Dreadnought Class vessel is a planet sized behemoth, possessing the prototype Incineration Cannon, a weapon so large, the Dreadnought was built around it. Two Dreadnoughts were built, although one, The Ultimate, was destroyed while covering the Expoletian Armada retreat from Earth, and these were funded completely by Kodekai Enterprises at a cost of $63 Octillion each, although neither was a significant loss for the company.
Three classes of fighter make the backbone of the Expoletian Armada. Many of these can be controlled by an AI that evolves during battle, saving billions of lives.
The Vorcha Fighter is an interceptor, designed for speed and agility. The fastest vessel in the Expoletian Fleet, the Vorcha does most of the dogfighting, although it is rather weak.
The Arclight Bomber is tough and slow, but is one of the few vessels capable of trans-atmospheric flight. It does not possess a turret for fighter-to-fighter combat, but it can deal rapid damage to enemy warships.
The Hg-X Fighter is the newest Expoletian fighter, and is a hybrid of the Vorcha and Arclight classes. The cockpit is no more than 80cm wide, and the vessel is heavily equipped and armoured. The fighter has a pressurizer, which provides the pilot with a comfortable atmosphere in the cockpit, which dynamically changes based on the conditions outside. Fast and tough, the Hg-X is a favourite amongst pilots, who say they prefer the control responsiveness and the ease at which tasks can be done, due to a dynamic AI which monitors and controls every system, allowing the pilot to focus on maneuvering and firing weapons in the heat of battle.
The AI installed on all Expoletian vessels responds to voice commands, and the video communicator is capable of contacting a commander's battle computer, which is integrated into their armour, removing the need for short range headsets or communicators, allowing the commander to freely fight while talking.
Battle Armour is hardened to respond to every atmosphere, and soldiers are not required to wear helmets, as the chest piece of the armour is outfitted with a high powered chemical convertor, which changes the current atmosphere - toxic or not - and converts it into the Expoletian atmosphere (60% Nitrogen, 30% Oxygen, 9% Sodium Hexafluoride, 1% other), allowing soldiers to easily breathe any atmosphere without fear of poison. Expoletian Battle Armour is one of the toughest things in the known galaxy, being able to take over 10 Expoletian atmospheres (~12G's) worth of force before cracking.
A small post, but this gives an insight to what the fleet of New Expoletia is actually like.
Enjoy, and be sure to spread the word,
Timothy Connor, Creator.
The Fleet is armed universally with Kodekai Enterprises Type XIV Turrets, which provide lots of firepower for little power consumption, even in mass numbers. Most vessels can shrug off the energy bolts they fire, yet these turrets deal massive damage to shields, and transfer all their energy when they hit to the opposing vessel, heating the hull gradually over time.
Once the enemy hull is weakened, the Expoletian Armada uses Hunter Demotions, a sub-division of Kodekai Enterprises, branded Torpedo Tubes to pierce and destroy the enemy vessel with high energy plasma balls. These weapons, easily absorbed by heat shielding, are standard on every vessel, although in severely reduced quantities as opposed to the turrets. Much like the turrets, these weapons use low power for the damage they can cause.
The larger Expoletian vessels are outfitted with large battery cannons, which fire large amounts of superheated metal at a high velocity. Due to the size of these weapons, they are stored inside the hull of the vessel when in transit, as they draw large amounts of power from the reactors, which limits most vessels to two of the light battery cannons.
Battlecruisers, the largest of the Expoletian vessels, are equipped with more firepower than any other vessel in the fleet, being equipped with the heavy battery cannons, which fire solid cylinders of metal at speeds capable of going through the entire hull of a cruiser class vessel. These cannons draw as much power as every other system on the vessel combined, which forces the vessel to redirect most engine power in order to fire these cannons.
Command Class vessels such as the Malevellum and Sonic Rupture, are the largest, most powerful war class ships in the entire universe, completely incapable of entering a planet's atmosphere due to the resources required to house them. They are equipped with specialist weapons along with the full firepower of a Battlecruiser. These vessels are also noticeably quicker in the middle of battle, having several more reactors than Battlecruisers, allowing most systems to run at full capacity when in full combat mode.
The most powerful Expoletian vessel is rarely used in battle, as the upkeep is highly expensive and inefficient for combat purposes. The Dreadnought Class vessel is a planet sized behemoth, possessing the prototype Incineration Cannon, a weapon so large, the Dreadnought was built around it. Two Dreadnoughts were built, although one, The Ultimate, was destroyed while covering the Expoletian Armada retreat from Earth, and these were funded completely by Kodekai Enterprises at a cost of $63 Octillion each, although neither was a significant loss for the company.
Three classes of fighter make the backbone of the Expoletian Armada. Many of these can be controlled by an AI that evolves during battle, saving billions of lives.
The Vorcha Fighter is an interceptor, designed for speed and agility. The fastest vessel in the Expoletian Fleet, the Vorcha does most of the dogfighting, although it is rather weak.
The Arclight Bomber is tough and slow, but is one of the few vessels capable of trans-atmospheric flight. It does not possess a turret for fighter-to-fighter combat, but it can deal rapid damage to enemy warships.
The Hg-X Fighter is the newest Expoletian fighter, and is a hybrid of the Vorcha and Arclight classes. The cockpit is no more than 80cm wide, and the vessel is heavily equipped and armoured. The fighter has a pressurizer, which provides the pilot with a comfortable atmosphere in the cockpit, which dynamically changes based on the conditions outside. Fast and tough, the Hg-X is a favourite amongst pilots, who say they prefer the control responsiveness and the ease at which tasks can be done, due to a dynamic AI which monitors and controls every system, allowing the pilot to focus on maneuvering and firing weapons in the heat of battle.
The AI installed on all Expoletian vessels responds to voice commands, and the video communicator is capable of contacting a commander's battle computer, which is integrated into their armour, removing the need for short range headsets or communicators, allowing the commander to freely fight while talking.
Battle Armour is hardened to respond to every atmosphere, and soldiers are not required to wear helmets, as the chest piece of the armour is outfitted with a high powered chemical convertor, which changes the current atmosphere - toxic or not - and converts it into the Expoletian atmosphere (60% Nitrogen, 30% Oxygen, 9% Sodium Hexafluoride, 1% other), allowing soldiers to easily breathe any atmosphere without fear of poison. Expoletian Battle Armour is one of the toughest things in the known galaxy, being able to take over 10 Expoletian atmospheres (~12G's) worth of force before cracking.
A small post, but this gives an insight to what the fleet of New Expoletia is actually like.
Enjoy, and be sure to spread the word,
Timothy Connor, Creator.
Sunday, 15 June 2014
A brief background to the New Expoletian Empire
The Chronicles of Expoletia, being a Sci Fi adventure, is set in the future, 1300 years after the discovery of warp technology. This places the date at 3754 Earth Empire Time. The story arc is set in our own Universe - frequent references to the Sol system are made.
The New Expoletian Empire consists of the super planets New Expoletia, Expoletia, and Eternia. This trio of planets is located 433,796 light years from Earth, orbiting a Blue Supergiant star. The technology of the Empire mirrors that of Earth at each point in time, but since the inhabitants live on planets that possess very little liquid of any sort, they require atmospheric space farms to synthesize and produce enough food to feed the 300 billion inhabitants (Excluding those that have not come of age) of the Empire.
There is an approximately equal amount of males to females due to the way that Expoletian genetics work. A female Expoletian is guaranteed to have two children in her lifetime, but these children are genderless. The male Expoletian carries all the DNA for the children, and is guaranteed to impregnate the female with a male child as the first born. If there is a second child born, and in most cases there are two children born to each couple, this child is always female. A female can have more than two children, but the likelyhood of conceiving after the second child decreases by a factor of 6 for every child after 2. The likelyhood of conceiving a third child is one-in-six, and a fourth child is one-in-thirtysix.
A male Expoletian will grow up to be between 5foot8inches tall and 6foot8inches tall, and weigh anywhere between 90kilograms and 140kilograms. The males most suited for the military stand around 6 feet tall, and weigh 100kilograms, with some exceptions being made for outstanding prospects. The Expoletian soldiers are expected to serve for a minimum of twenty years in the armed forces, although most do not see combat face to face as battles are normally undertaken by the most experienced soldiers only. Regardless of rank or tenure, a soldier is required by Expoletian law to wear their armour and carry a weapon with them at all times when in public. This is to signify that they are a protector of the peace, and that they serve their Empire with pride.
The Expoletian Military has eight ranks within it. There are specialist academies for soldiers willing to learn how to be a leader in the military, and these soldiers are among the best in the Universe.
Due to Expoletian regulations, females are banned from considering a military career, as they are the key to ensuring the survival of the Empire. Many females take up political careers, or serve as engineers and scientists, and this allows them to help the military without being considered a soldier.
After the Fall of the last Emperor, the Empire has been run by a Senate, consisting of around 30,000 diplomats, representing every faction in the Empire. The Senate is responsible for appointing the current governor, and for ensuring peace in the Empire. The Admiral of the Fleet receives their wishes and is tasked with maintaining the Senate's rule.
Kodekai Maufacturing is the largest of the Empire's manufacturers, creating all Galdon-class cruisers and above of interstellar vessels, as well as developing and manufacturing almost every weapon used, as well as all power sources used in the Empire.
Shadow Hawk Limited is responsible for the production of the Empire's fighters and the most deadly sniper rifles available, as well as the totality of the Empire's AI robotic forces.
The Fleet is currently equipped with Generation 6 weaponry, which includes Type XIII Turrets and Type X Torpedo launchers, as well as Kodekai Assault Batteries. The Fleet is dominated by Kodekai Galdon and Heavy Cruisers, which are the fastest and toughest ships, respectively, vessels in the entire fleet for their size. The Command Ship is normally the largest, most advanced vessel in the fleet, and this vessel has been the Malevellum for nearly 5 decades. The largest vessel produced by Kodekai Manufacturing is the Dreadnought Class. Ten times larger than the Kodekai Super Battleship, the Dreadnought was formerly equipped with the Type 2 "Civilian" Class Super Ray Destroyer Battery, a weapon capable of imploding a planet. This weapon was removed when it proved to be the downfall of the Ultimate, a prototype Dreadnought. The Dreadnought now has nearly impregnable armour and shielding, with enough firepower to take on an Armada of over 1,000 vessels single-handedly. However, the Dreadnought is so large, it cannot be serviced on any Expoletian Stardock, instead requiring four years of laborious repairs at the hands of engineers clinging to the vessel as it orbits New Expoletia. This makes the Dreadnought an unreliable combat vessel, and it is rarely seen on the battlefield, instead acting as a heavily armed courier vessel.
Population and Genetics of the Expoletians
The New Expoletian Empire consists of the super planets New Expoletia, Expoletia, and Eternia. This trio of planets is located 433,796 light years from Earth, orbiting a Blue Supergiant star. The technology of the Empire mirrors that of Earth at each point in time, but since the inhabitants live on planets that possess very little liquid of any sort, they require atmospheric space farms to synthesize and produce enough food to feed the 300 billion inhabitants (Excluding those that have not come of age) of the Empire.
There is an approximately equal amount of males to females due to the way that Expoletian genetics work. A female Expoletian is guaranteed to have two children in her lifetime, but these children are genderless. The male Expoletian carries all the DNA for the children, and is guaranteed to impregnate the female with a male child as the first born. If there is a second child born, and in most cases there are two children born to each couple, this child is always female. A female can have more than two children, but the likelyhood of conceiving after the second child decreases by a factor of 6 for every child after 2. The likelyhood of conceiving a third child is one-in-six, and a fourth child is one-in-thirtysix.
A male Expoletian will grow up to be between 5foot8inches tall and 6foot8inches tall, and weigh anywhere between 90kilograms and 140kilograms. The males most suited for the military stand around 6 feet tall, and weigh 100kilograms, with some exceptions being made for outstanding prospects. The Expoletian soldiers are expected to serve for a minimum of twenty years in the armed forces, although most do not see combat face to face as battles are normally undertaken by the most experienced soldiers only. Regardless of rank or tenure, a soldier is required by Expoletian law to wear their armour and carry a weapon with them at all times when in public. This is to signify that they are a protector of the peace, and that they serve their Empire with pride.
The Expoletian Military has eight ranks within it. There are specialist academies for soldiers willing to learn how to be a leader in the military, and these soldiers are among the best in the Universe.
- The Admiral of the Fleet, or Admiral for short, is the highest power in the Expoletian Armed Forces. Every operation and every attack is approved by the Admiral. The Admiral's insignia is a patch showing the Expoletian Empire, signifying their high status.
- The Commander takes their orders directly from the Admiral and the Senators. Normally the highest ranking officer of any operation, the Commander's insignia is represented as the current Command Vessel of the Empire
- The General is the soldier that leads the troops when on the battlefield. They possess far greater knowledge of soldier tactics than the Commander or the Admiral, and is often regarded as the best soldier in the Empire. Their insignia is a fully armoured soldier, holding a heavy assault rifle.
- Colonels, also known as Wing Commanders, respond directly to the General, and lead large squadrons or platoons of soldiers on the battlefield. They have undergone extensive, and advanced combat training to be recognised as leaders. Their insignia is an energy sword.
- Captains are numerous, and most are pilots of the Expoletian Fleet. They have the most training of any soldier, as they are required to monitor multiple ship systems and keep an eye out for trouble. Their insignia is represented by the Mercury-10 Fighter.
- Lieutenants serve as assistants to high ranking officials, making sure that they are safe during battles and acting as messengers. Their insignia is represented by the Hawk Transport.
- Defense Soldiers are elite soldiers that are primarily stationed aboard the Expoletian Fleet, preventing any attacks on the vessel itself. Their insignia is a Shield.
- Soldiers are the initial class that every recruit is known as. For the majority of their military career, soldiers never received a rank increase, but are known as the heart of the military. They have no insignia, but each soldier is allowed to customise their suit of armour to have their family name printed on the back of it.
Due to Expoletian regulations, females are banned from considering a military career, as they are the key to ensuring the survival of the Empire. Many females take up political careers, or serve as engineers and scientists, and this allows them to help the military without being considered a soldier.
After the Fall of the last Emperor, the Empire has been run by a Senate, consisting of around 30,000 diplomats, representing every faction in the Empire. The Senate is responsible for appointing the current governor, and for ensuring peace in the Empire. The Admiral of the Fleet receives their wishes and is tasked with maintaining the Senate's rule.
Weapon and Vessel Manufacturing
Kodekai Maufacturing is the largest of the Empire's manufacturers, creating all Galdon-class cruisers and above of interstellar vessels, as well as developing and manufacturing almost every weapon used, as well as all power sources used in the Empire.
Shadow Hawk Limited is responsible for the production of the Empire's fighters and the most deadly sniper rifles available, as well as the totality of the Empire's AI robotic forces.
The Fleet is currently equipped with Generation 6 weaponry, which includes Type XIII Turrets and Type X Torpedo launchers, as well as Kodekai Assault Batteries. The Fleet is dominated by Kodekai Galdon and Heavy Cruisers, which are the fastest and toughest ships, respectively, vessels in the entire fleet for their size. The Command Ship is normally the largest, most advanced vessel in the fleet, and this vessel has been the Malevellum for nearly 5 decades. The largest vessel produced by Kodekai Manufacturing is the Dreadnought Class. Ten times larger than the Kodekai Super Battleship, the Dreadnought was formerly equipped with the Type 2 "Civilian" Class Super Ray Destroyer Battery, a weapon capable of imploding a planet. This weapon was removed when it proved to be the downfall of the Ultimate, a prototype Dreadnought. The Dreadnought now has nearly impregnable armour and shielding, with enough firepower to take on an Armada of over 1,000 vessels single-handedly. However, the Dreadnought is so large, it cannot be serviced on any Expoletian Stardock, instead requiring four years of laborious repairs at the hands of engineers clinging to the vessel as it orbits New Expoletia. This makes the Dreadnought an unreliable combat vessel, and it is rarely seen on the battlefield, instead acting as a heavily armed courier vessel.
Friday, 13 June 2014
Summary of The Chronicles
This is a brief summary of what The Chronicles of Expoletia is about, and what I hope to achieve with this Screenplay
Chronicles of Expoletia is a 6 part saga that follows the tale of the New Expoletian Empire and the struggle to save the Universe
Chronicles of Expoletia is a 6 part saga that follows the tale of the New Expoletian Empire and the struggle to save the Universe
The Tharassian Civil War is the basis of the Universe. This part introduces the major characters of the first trilogy, and their relationships to each other. The plot starts off with the Tharassian Empire engaged in conflict with itself, and builds to the eventual formation of the New Expoletian Empire. Primarily, the plot follows Ak'ab'r, Admiral of the New Expoletian Empire, and Aius, Commander of the Tharassian Empire and their stories. It is revealed that Aius was chosen to be the successor to Ak'ab'r, and that Ak'ab'r does not like the current leader of the Empire, but he tolerates him. The Story builds up to a Tharassian insertion team infiltrating the Expoletian Capital vessel, Sonic Rupture which leads to a climactic battle, ending in the destruction of the vessel and heralding the beginning of the New Expoletian Empire.
The Return of an Old Friend continues the story 5 years later. The Battle over Earth ended up being an ill advised campaign move, and New Expoletia lost ground during the attack. The nobility of New Expoletia is gathered to bury Ak'ab'r, but the man they thought dead makes a surprise appearance and alerts the Governor and Aius that the Earth Empire is preparing to attack New Expoletia. Ak'ab'r learns that one of the New Expoletian diplomats was killed while on a mission to Earth, so he heads to the Ancestral Hall to consult the Great Ancestors about what is to come. While in the hall, Ak'ab'r is attacked by Rigel Maklius' brother, Frederick Rainer. Ak'ab'r barely escapes, and heads back to New Expoletia to prepare for battle. As the Earth Empire fleet is attacking the New Expoletian fleet, Ak'ab'r tells Aius of Al'urk's traitorous plans. Aius and Ak'ab'r head back to New Expoletia where Ak'ab'r confronts both Rainer and Al'urk. Ak'ab'r bests Rainer in combat, and after a short conversation with Al'urk, shoots him in the head. He then proceeds to kill Rainer.
How the Mighty Fall is the climax of the first trilogy. The war between the New Expoletian Empire and the Earth Empire has peaked. The Earth Empire is assaulting an outpost run by K'lurk M'aig, and they force New Expoletia to retreat. However, this is what Ak'ab'r anticipated; the outpost contained a communicator that Ak'ab'r used to contact Earth Emperor Novastorm and arrange a truce meeting. During the meeting, K'lurk fights Captain of the Earth Empire Yusarius. K'lurk prevails and spares Yusarius' life, and the two super powers mass at New Expoletia. While waiting for the Brood Lord fleet, Gaia contacts the leaders and reveals that he isn't the higher power they need to worry about. During the battle, Ak'ab'r breaks off from the main fleet to meet Gaia face to face. Novastorm follows Ak'ab'r into the void as do Aius and Flu'try. Ak'ab'r and Novastorm regroup on Gaia's battleship and make their way to the control room. The computer relays the last log it recorded, and Ak'ab'r realises that this vessel is the Sonic Rupture. The troops head towards the reactor room, where Ak'ab'r leads them into the airvent in order to surprise Gaia. However, his plan is ruined when Aius charges into the reactor room to confront Gaia. Ak'ab'r, Novastorm and their troops drop from the vent and join Aius, although Novastorm quickly reveals he is one of the Brood Lords. A small battle ensues, and the Brood Lords are forced into retreat, although Gaia does kill Aius before he leaves. Flu'try is promoted to Admiral and the newly formed Resistance gets ready for an assault on the Brood homeworld.
Hivemind begins the second trilogy. The Resistance armada is receiving their final orders when L'lurk M'aig, chief lieutenant of the Brood Lords appears and requests that Ak'ab'r come with him and talk to the Hivemind. The Commanders of the Resistance advise Ak'ab'r against doing this, but Ak'ab'r insists he must. Once Ak'ab'r has been taken to the Hivemind, the Resistance forces come under attack by the Brood fleet. Ak'ab'r talks with the Hivemind, who grows increasingly frustrated with Ak'ab'r. The Hivemind boils over when Ak'ab'r reveals that the Hivemind was once Nacahazar, a Cyclops. The Hivemind orders his lieutenants to kill Ak'ab'r, but L'lurk stops them from doing so, giving Ak'ab'r enough time to fatally wound Nachazar. Dying, Nachazar has one last thing to say, and Shaltar, patron saint of the Cyclopean race, decides Nachazar should do so as a cyclops. Nachazar says his thank you to Ak'ab'r, and passes from the realm of the living. The fight over New Expoletia was going bad until the death wail of the Hivemind forced the Brood fleet to retreat. Regrouping, the Resistance follow them to prepare for the final days of the fight.
Showdown continues where Hivemind left off. The Resistance fleet has begun to siege the Brood planet, and the commanders are attempting to set up a command centre on the ground. They successfully do so, as Ak'ab'r, L'lurk and Shaltar are planning to make their way to where the Resistance forces landed, although the Brood army stands in the way. Almost simultaneously, both sides come under attack by one of the Brood Lieutenants, although both Resistance forces manage to kill the attacking lieutenant. At this point, something awakens inside Yusarius and he jettisons to the planet, heading into Brood territory, and is revealed as a Brood Lord. After hours of fighting, both sides of the Resistance meet up and head back to the command centre, although Gaia tries to stop them, and is dealt with by Shaltar. Shaltar sacrifices his mortal body to destroy Gaia, and the Resistance fall back to organise their last push against the Brood lairs. Flu'try heads to the medical centre in order to request some bandaging for a wound received. It is here where Flu'try is revealed to be a woman, although Ak'ab'r pardons her from punishment and tells her that she has a war to win. Flu'try rallies the Resistance behind her and the army leaps over the command centre's walls and attacks the Brood force in full. Rigel then tries to kill L'lurk, succeeding, but also dying in the process. Novastorm attempts to kill Hagai, but is killed almost immediately, leaving only Odin, Yusarius and Brood Master K'flinga to fight the Resistance.
Darkness Incarnate is the penultimate finale of the Chronicles of Expoletia. The Resistance forces are pushing the Brood army back. Flu'try leads her troops into Yusarius' lair, where he attempts to play mind games with her. She outsmarts him through use of a poison tipped boot, piercing his brain with her knife. The wound she received earlier hurts her, but she and her forces press onwards. Outside the Brood Hive, Odin is killed by K'flinga, who says that he does not need anyone. With all the Brood lords dead, K'flinga confronts the Resistance inside his Hive, and overpowers most of the commanders, wounding them. Ak'ab'r confronts K'flinga, and sees that the Hive is built around a high powered fusion bomb. Secretly he tells the Resistance to evacuate, and once they get to safety, K'flinga, having been distracted by the departure of his prey turns around to see Ak'ab'r holding the detonator for the bomb. Ak'ab'r presses the button and the Brood planet is destroyed, along with most of the Brood army, uttering two words that reflect K'flinga himself. The Resistance fleet move to New Expoletia, where the commanders are treated for their wounds. Flu'try leads the funeral service for all those that sacrificed their lives to ensure victory, speaking highly of L'lurk and Ak'ab'r. Once this is done, she resigns as Admiral of the New Expoletian Empire and becomes a senator, overseeing change around the capital. Ardakas, narrator of the series, records everything that occured since the Tharassian civil war in the archives, before placing a personal archive tape down labelled "Retribution".
With this screenplay I hope to bring a different view and a different style into the Science Fiction genre. For now, the series in stuck in a limbo phase of drafting.
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